Me, for starters. Genealogy is one of those things that once you start you can't stop. As soon as you experience the first moment that your family history comes alive or an ancestor's life stories reveal bits of who you are to you, or you have the opportunity to stand at your ancestor's graves and honor them then you are hooked.
For me genealogy is like a chronic disease. As a child I was exposed to the bug and it slowly captured my attention. Now it is all-consuming. I typically work about 50-60 hours a work at my "day job," i.e. the one that pays me. I also put in about 20-30 hours per week on my personal genealogical pursuits.
The truth is I'm still an amateur. There are people that have spent lifetimes and families that have spent generations together on research. I can't quite say why it consumes me other than the drive to know who I am on a deeper level. It is almost instinctual.
At any rate, I don't want to get hung up on me in this blog. The other blog does that just fine all on its own.
Here I want to help the newbies. I want to examine research methods, resources, tricks of the trade, that sort of thing. Of course I'll use my family histories as examples, but not for self-involved reasons. (If you do want to know more about me, as boring as I am, just hop on over to my other, heavily ego-centric blog finewhoaboutyou?
Well that is enough of an introduction. Let's get started...
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